Right before all of the holidays I decided to redo my kitchen table and chairs. What was I thinking!!! I thought it would be a really quick project..... welllll maybe for someone that DOESN'T have three children!!!! All of my art and project time is very limited, I am usually getting started when everyone else is going to bed. I did get it done and I love it. Here are a few pics. I did NOT change the fabric on my chairs, but it's in the near future!!!!

This is before I painted the "diamond" on the back.

See why these chairs needed a REDO!
I took these after pics this morning and my lighting is horrible....if it ever quits raining I will post better pictures.
Just ignore the beautiful brass light fixture!
I don't have a before picture of my table, it was just a basic brown before. I sanded all of the wood, just enough to make it feel a little rough. This eliminated having to prime. I used Valspar semi gloss paint from Lowes, and sanded again to give it a distresses look. Then I put a few clear coats of varnish after everything was finished. It really was quite simple. I would love to redo furniture for a living! It's just so fun to see how you can totally transform something with a little bit of paint!!!